Check-in /Checkout

Check-in /Checkout


Use this tab to get access to a 247PT fitness facility:

    • Related Articles

    • Coach Finder (PRO)

      Coach FinderCheck the profiles, services and fees of the 247PT Personal Trainers. 
    • Plan

      Plan Make sure to keep your client busy by assigning activities, workouts, or challenges. You can also check whether a nutrition plan has been assigned.
    • Activity Calendar

      Here you have an overview of you past, present, and future workouts. You can share  (1), play (2), print (3), or modify (4) your workout. If you choose to modify, select the activities you want to check as done, Delete, Move (to a different day), or ...
    • I can't login to 247PT.

      If you cannot log in, there are three possible causes. 1. You cannot remember your password You can change your password here. 2. You have not accepted your invitation to 247PT 3. You do not have an active membership. In this case, check out ...
    • I lost my 247PT password.

      If you do not know your password anymore, you can have a new one sent to you here.  A second option is to go to the login page, and click on the link in the red box, as shown in the image below:   ​ Enter your e-mail address and you will receive an ...